
In God's Name

By Shaa Bailey

Published: 2020-08-30

The World has never been too kind to us.
Ignorance often trails behind us like a lost child.
As she is she
& I am me.


But look!
There is a peace here.
A peace that is present
& still.
I have found solace in a Woman.
& rightly so,
For the Women who raised me,
have led me to her.
& the ancestors who have come and lived before us,
have held our hands to their mouths,
& prayed on our behalf.
Our Love is sanctified. Thus, when I speak of her,
their hymns tickle at my eardrums like butterfly wings.
& my belly fills with 1,425 Monarchs at the very sight of her.

“GOD IS A WOMAN,” I cry.

There is no love greater, than the love of a Woman.
There is no love greater, then the love of you, woman.
Bless-ed am I to have stumbled upon you.


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